Monthly Archives: January 2012

Call for Papers – Spring 2012 Issue

The Idea is seeking submissions for its Spring 2012 issue.

What we are looking for in a paper is serious philosophical engagement with an issue or philosopher of some sort. It does not need to be conclusive nor expansive, but it does need to display critical reflection and mature philosophical exploration of its topic.

If it helps, you can look at The Idea as a forum for ideas – as a place to place a product of yours that you have invested your mental labor into onto the market-streets for all to see. It does not need to sell, but it should provide an interest to all those interested in the exchange of ideas. There is no pressure to sell, in fact ideas typically become banal if we enter the market-place knowing which idea we want to leave with. Though there is no pressure to sell, it goes without saying you want to present a product you are proud of.

Please send submissions to in a .odt,  .doc format or hand in a hard copy form to YMCA 301. Submissions should meet the following requirements:

  • Double-spaced, and styled to a specific guide (preferably to the Chicago Manual of Style).
  • Around 2500 to 5000 words, though exceptions can be made.
  • A cover page with your name, class year, and email. Additionally, please make sure the manuscript itself is free from any information that might identify the author.

Deadline is April 1st, 2012.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at the email given above.

The Idea, Vol. 1, No. 1

The first issue of Texas A&M University’s new philosophy journal has just been released: The Idea, Vol. 1, No. 1

If you have any questions, complaints, suggestions, or comments, please feel free to give us an email at